Thursday, August 27, 2009


Okay seriously....I'm stressed... I'm feeling a bit like Michael and Janet and I want to SCREAM.... this has been a very trying month and I guess I didn't really realize how stressed I was until right now... kind of wishing I had one of those squishy ball things... to throw at someone's head, and scream really loudly in their face... I think that will make me fill better... LOL!  What do you think..?

I have secretly had a fantasy of 1 throwing a glass of water dramaticly in someone's face... and or tossing a table over in disgust because someone has pissed me off... I am starting to think anything could set me off right now... I am waiting for the guy to cut me off in the middle of the road when I leave so I can yell profanities at him...! 

You know what I think I'll do... I will go in my care and scream out loud... or go home and have a fight with my bed...  you know punch the pillow's till I am exhausted...!

I used to take a boxing class and that helped a TON but again...recession can't afford 59.00 dollars a month to punch a damn bag... LOL!

So Question?  Consider that fact the I have no money...what do you do to relieve stress... and mind you we are not talking manny, peddy, or spa day!


  1. A long long walk. I am so over this recession too. What about doing some of the moves at home? Or maybe taking out an exercise video from the library? Another fav of mine - a long, hot bubble bath. No bubbles? shampoo works too ;) I hope ou can decompress.

  2. Blogging is a fantastic way to relieve stress, so scream, write, whatever!!!
