Tuesday, August 25, 2009


There are several reasons why I should be grateful.
I woke up this morning to see another day.

I have a job

I have food to eat

Clothes on my back

A God who love me regardless of the things I do or don't do.

A close loving family

But mostly I am grateful for having some of the best friends a person could imagine.  I always hear how amazed people are to find out I am friends with so many woman, and then when they meet them they can't believe how great they are.  My answer is I can't believe you haven't been able to be blessed with the same honor.  To be able to share some of your deepest feelings under the protection of someone who cares so much for you, and you them.  Some one you would protect and fight for.

Of course there are things that I still want like husband and family, but I know that will come in it's own time.  However, my continual admiration, love and respect for the woman I have been blessed to know in this life.  For that I am truly grateful!

Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile! Your mom is in my prayers! <3 <3 - Denise B.
