Ok, So here I am a blogger, yikes, well at least this blog can't get me sued. I have tried and tried again not to get into this but it seems like I have no choice in the matter. As it approaches my anniversary, for those who may or may not know me, or just getting introduced. My name is Nikea Gamby-Turner and October 2004 I was diagnosed with Cancer. Being that I am only 25 ten years ago. I am actually 35 now but I'm an actress so you see my point, and so young at that, I find myself in a weird place. Happy to be alive, but wondering what lesson if any is to be learned.
This being my only means of outlet for my feelings, I have taken to writing about it. Keeping a journal too hard, my mind goes faster than my hands and then I can't go back and read what I wrote because it looks like chicken scratch (isnt' that nice). "Why didn't you try a group"? You ask because everytime I speak to another person about the ordeal it is never comforting nor does it feel like closure, its more comparing war stories and well I just want to feel better about things and myself. Also, what they don't tell you is how to survive surviving cancer! I guess it's not something they can tell you in a book, it's your own journey they have a manual for everything else, why isn't there a "SURVIVING BREAST CANCER FOR DUMMIES" book.
Some would probably say I was/am a confident person, but I know in the earlier years I put on a show, wow hard for me to say that. Didn't really want people to know that I wasn't really doing that well, infact I was not doing good at all. I kept a smile on my face because sure things could have been a hell of alot worse, but I laugh to keep from crying, and occupied alot of my time with doing stuff just so I don't have to be alone to cry. But the fact is I was/and maybe still am hurt and I am not entirely over it. I don't think I will ever be over it.
They write in books that around your anniversary it is possible to get depressed and have mixed feelings and cry and, and, and, well I still feel all of those things. I am angry, I am angry with god, I am angry with myself (don't know why don't think I did anything to deserve nor did I ask for this) angry at my mom because she was holding it all in for me, and I felt like I couldn't talk to her because it would make her more upset. I just felt ALONE! It's no one's fault, just the way I REALLY feel.
My friends if you are reading this, I appreciate all you have done for me, just listening to me talk and cry and talk and cry and laugh and cry, I don't think I could have made it through with out all your love and support. I feel bad when sometimes some of you look at me and tell me I am the strongest person you know or how strong I am because honestly somtimes I feel weak and tired. Yes I fought but I couldn't fight without all of you having my back. So i commend you! AND THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. And I know I probably don't have to ask, I ask for your continued support because as this wound is still very new I may need to do a little more crying and laughing and talking.
What I am beginning to understand is that I will never know exactly why this has happend to me, but I have been given an oppurtunity, and am trying to find my way. So just be with me, this is a process and I feel myself actually becoming stronger everyday.
Stay tuned hopefully these things will be less of a drag! Wow great way to start a blog huh!
Hope you read my next one!
P.S. I have to say there is something really invigorating about being honest when no one is looking! I might just be ok after all.