Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When you are young at heart!

I was hanging with friends who I have have known for almost 30 years!  We haven't changed a bit.  I mean sure we have gotten more mature... we look a bit older... but if I did a side by side comparison... I would say we look exactly the same...!

Mostly our spirit's havent' changed... I am sitting at my God Son's birthday party he is turned 12 ouch (and a deep voice) don't even get me started on that!  I don't even know where 11 went but that's a whole nother story... and here we are shaperoning a bunch of tweens...as I look around I realize I still feel like a tween my self.... You couldn't have told me 25 years ago that I would be sitting here at my God Son's birthday and he's turning 12... Hell you couldn't have told me I would even have a God Son... LOL!

Wow I am actually growing older... and realizing that... Age is nothing but a number and you truly are as old as you feel...Acting your preverbial age is a choice... not something you have to do...!  Now I don't have some Peter Pan complex... and I'm not doing a Mariah staying 12 forever...cause a 12 year old can't do what an adult does! but as I looked around at my child hood friends... I realized that we still have the best thing going for us... Our zest for life, and our undying youth... now don't get me wrong we are certainly adults.... but we are definately amongst the very young at heart!


  1. Nope I disagree NNN, you are 12 years old. LOLOL but I love you anyway.

  2. It's amazing how quickly the minutes/months/years go by, right? The calendar pages keep flipping and the sand keeps dropping, but thankfully our hearts and minds march to their own tune.
    I'm hoping to remain young at heart and mind for years to come!
