Thursday, October 22, 2009

This Month!

This month has been interesting... I was actually diagnosed with Breast Cancer... during breast cancer month... so you can imagine the ringing in my ear... everytime this month comes around I am happy to say it's get's a  lil bit easier... a lil easier to deal... to cope... to live... as this is my fourth time around...!

January I will be celebrating 5 years and it is a bit bitter sweet... As I have said before my mom is now contending with the same disease...We have learned that her journey has not ended just yet and she has more to do. Interesting right... I use the word her journey... her journey is her's alone... as I can relate to the pain and the idea of what is going on... I have not had to deal with other aspects... things that she has to do... was only a mere idea for me.

I have always known that people handle greif, death, and other life situations in their own way... but it pains me to say that my mom is handling her pain in a way that causes her to shut people out... mainly me... I have not really spoken to my mom since she found out the cancer was found in her lymphnodes...!

I know some of you are thinking well what is that about and I wish I could tell you the whole story... and maybe soon I will but.. for right now I am giving her space... and taking my own so that we can come back to being on the same page.

I guess I am saying all of this to say... please pray for us... this is a very trying time for her.. and me...!  Sometimes one has to reach out beyond themselves and ask for help!

Thank you in advance!

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful photo of the Gamby -Turner women. KEEP IT, FRAME IT, CHERISH IT!!
