Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Poster Child For Positive Thinking

I have been kicked, punched, put down... turned around and them some... but through it all I have come out on top.

I have been talked about...lied on...battled disease... and have still come out a winner...!  How you ask?  Well even through all God has held me... picked me up...closed my ears... dusted me off... and has blessed me leaps and bounds...!

My mom had her surgery on Wednesday and came through with flying colors...!  Although things seemed rough I tried to maintain the attitude of this is only temporary... these things that happen are only things that will drive you... and draw you nearer to God..!

When cancer got me... I was angry with God... but just as a parent he understands... just as much as you love your mother and your father...some times your just not speaking to them... I came to understand more and more that if I just put my trust and faith in him... I will always be alright.

No matter your spiritual belief a positive outlook is always the best thought process...there is always something to be thankful for, grateful for! 

I am surely learning that the glass is half full and trying to live my life as such... So if you need some positivity... Stop on by... the posterchild is here. :)


  1. Nikea, This is so true. For folks that just shake their head at the idea, they could try an exercise.
    Think of something that really bothers you...someone you dislike or a situation you were in that made you really angry. Pay attention to how your body feels...It's tense and your eyes concentrate and get narrower.
    Now think of one of the happiest times in your life. Your face relaxes and there's a weight that is lifted from your center. It's easier to breathe and your mood is all-around happier.
    I know it's sometimes hard to do, but practice makes it easier and you'll find yourself making it a point to release the bad. Or recognizing the body signals of stress.

    I am happy to hear about your mom. I know how worried you were and I'm sure that she was too. I don't know how close you are, but I'm sure she appreciates your strength and knowing that you're there for her. After all, you've been in her shoes.

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